Screenplay reminder….

In the middle of my inventory of screenplay ideas for my idea notebook, I was coming up with so far with 10 draft ideas while the rest must have been hiding in the guise of doodle thoughts.  🙂

I’ve managed to pull my attention back to screenwriting after RL (real life) sent curve balls and almost went over the brink at times before I finally grab hold on to a rope and straightened my head-space and everything else – slow going but it was the alternative I preferred.

I was fortunate to have stumbled upon My Blank Page during my morning skim of tweets and “Avoid the habit of overwriting your screenplay” topic caught my attention. It was great post. It definitely made me think of the current screenplay I’m working on and eager to apply this nugget of knowledge to my other drafts while at the same time integrating what I’ve learned from last year’s class “The Fundamentals of Screenwriting” facilitated by Susan Kougell. She has a new class this July 30, 2015

“The Fundamentals of Screenwriting: Give your Script a Solid Foundation” class

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That poem collection…

I am thanking my high school literature professor for the homework assignment. We were to submit three original poems and one sketch interpretation of the favorite poem since then and years later, I’ve so far written roughly 75+ poems.

Okay, it was a slow start – haha – still it was quite interesting because when I flipped through the pages, I had forgotten I’ve included dates at the top of each poem which was nice to see the track of my writing. There were poems written per month while others were a span of a year after or more.

Years ago, I tried my hand in submitting several selected poems to an overseas publisher. I wonder if they’re still around.

Complimentary note from my first try to an overseas publisher.

Complimentary note from my first try to an overseas publisher.

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A dream placed in your heart…

I remember when I was a kid, Disney Movies were my thing every Saturday night because that meant, I’m done with every homework possible. I was ready to be transported to another world of wonder, and so as I watched the movie’s end credits roll, I found myself asking God what was my own dream because I don’t know. I sat quietly, listening for an answer and it just swelled up inside – a still and calm voice answering – write stories.

Of course,  my little self managed a ten-sentence story about  a friendship of a turtle and a bird, I think were the characters.  I had given my father a copy written on grade school pad. I should have made another copy of the story and framed it. Haha.

Anyway, my anxiety only went up a notch when my grade school teacher decided to ask that same question the following week!  Fortunately, she chose a handful of students for the activity. I can’t recall what else happened in that class but the question stuck in my heart.

Onward to screenwriting…